Autumn is a tragic love story set in the rural New England countryside, circa 1973, as the Vietnam War was slowly coming to an end. Susan Watt's is a beautiful young woman married to a man that will not provide her with the communication and emotional support she craves. He doesn't come home at night, he has another woman, and his treatment of Susan is beginning to take its toll on her health. Out of a sincere need for answers, and overcome with desperation; Susan turns to the caretaker of her church, a young, single man by the name of John, in order to make a connection and gain a man's point of view so that she might discover what has gone wrong within her marriage. Subject to the temptations of a worldly existence, Susan and John must navigate their growing feelings while trying to keep their relationship pure. Under the prying eyes of a small town community, can Susan and John remain 'just friends' as love, lust and loneliness come into play over a long, cold New England winter? Will Susan leave her husband in order to find happiness, or will John carry through with his plans to murder her husband in order to take his place in their bed? Discover all there is to know about four lost and interlaced characters struggling with sin and infidelity within the pages of Autumn.
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